Recent Funded Projects

Prof. CHING May Bo

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2020-2021 GRF “Cantonizing” the Violin, Hawaiian Slide Guitar, and Banjo: The Adaptation of Western Instruments in the Cantonese Opera Ensemble
2020-2021 ConRes-RO 香港太平戲院紀事: 院主源詹勳日記選輯 (1926-1949) 出版計劃
2018-2019 HKgovt Mapping Hong Kong in the Maritime World in the Ming and Qing Period
2017-2018 ConRes-RO A Study of the Chinese Flags Collected at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, UK
2016-2017 GRF Drawing Nature: Botanical and Zoological Illustrations in Canton from the Late Eighteenth through the Mid-Nineteenth Century

Prof. CHAN Hok Yin

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2023-2024 RGC The Scholar-Diplomat: Hu Shih as a Member of the Sino-British Boxer Indemnity Committee in 1920s
2023-2024 GRF 白話文在香港的初期發展史(1920-1935)
2022-2023 CRF 嶺南文化與世界:廣東文人文化景觀的建構及轉變(1821-1949)(as Co-Principal Investigator)
2019-2020 PPR-PICO The Making of “Hongkongers”: A Study of Post-Secondary Students' Collective Identity
2019-2020 GRF 道德重整運動在冷戰香港
2017-2018 GRF 金文泰與香港社會文化的發展(1925-1930)
2016-2017 GRF 香港私立專上院校發展探微:1950-1970年代
2014-2015 GRF 章太炎的“聯省自治”思想研究

Prof. FAN Ka Wai

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2021-2022 GRF 元代南方醫者與地方社會 (Local Society and Physicians of the Southern Region during the Yuan Dynasty)
2017-2018 GRF 宋金元醫學發展研究—以《聖濟總錄》為中心
2014-2015 GRF A History of the Anti-schistosomiasis Campaign in Maoist China

Prof. LI Yiwen

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2021–2022 GRF Sacred Crafts: Artisans and Buddhist Monasteries in China and Japan, 960-1368 AD
2019–2020 ECS Networks of Faith and Profit: Buddhist Traders between China and Japan, 838-1403
2018–2019 EXT Network of Faith and Profit: Buddhist Traders between Japan and China, 838-1403

Prof. LU Chia Hui

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2023-2024 GRF 善政與勝概:唐代亭記中的吏治與風景
2020-2021 GRF  Ritual and Literary Writing: The Narration of Great Peace in the Reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang

Prof. TSUI Lik Hang

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2022-2023 GRF An Analytical History of the Early Years of Digitising Chinese Historical Sources (1980‐2009): The View from Five Foundational Database Projects
2020-2021 ECS Letters by Men of Letters: A Multidimensional Analysis of Epistolary Manuscripts and their Networks in Song Dynasty China (960–1279)

Prof. WANG Lianming

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2024-2025 GRF Unveiling the Coromandel Screen: Regional Diversity, Visual Mobility, and Social Lives in China's Coastal Regions, 1650-1750

Prof. WUT Tai Shing

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2017-2018 GRF 從漢譯「根本說一切有部律」看古印度佛教僧團的組織和運作
2016-2017 DON 《四分律》之研究及讀本編寫
2014-2015 GRF 《雜阿含》文本之校勘、今譯及主題研究

Prof. ZHANG Wanmin

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2024-2025 GRF 形式、倫理、情感:朱熹賦比興論的語境與困境
2022-2023 GRF 宋代《詩經》比興詮釋中的鳥獸草木知識
2021-2022 GRF 閱讀「淫詩」:朱熹「淫詩說」與明清《詩經》閱讀史
2017-2018 GRF 朱熹「淫詩」說在中國詮釋史和閱讀史的影響
2015-2016 GRF 朱熹的文學觀念與宋代文學文化整體觀

Prof. Astrid HARTH

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2024-2025 ECS Towards a Historical Understanding of Intentional Alterations of Early Netherlandish Paintings

Prof. LIU Dong

Award Year Grant Type Project Title (as Principal Investigator)
2024-2025 ECS 國共内戰與戰後東北文壇的重建(1945-1948) Chinese Civil War and The Reconstruction of Literary Field in Northeast China
